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    From Points South:

    Hutchinson River Parkway North to Exit  9 (new; formerly Exit 17) North Avenue, New Rochelle. At traffic light at end of exit ramp, make left. Proceed to next traffic light, bear right onto Wilmot Road. Continue to the traffic light and go left. Continue to third traffic light. Right at light into the upper school parking lot.

    For the Lower School, continue to the next light and turn right onto Stratton Road. The lower school will be on the right.

    I-95 North to North Avenue Exit. Follow signs to North Avenue. At light make right. Continue on North Avenue for about 3 miles. At the corner of North Avenue and Mill Road, the things to look for are: brick Greek Orthodox church on your left and a nursery in front of you. At this point, bear right onto Wilmot Road. At traffic light make left and proceed to the third traffic light. Right at light into the upper school parking lot. (For the lower school, continue to the next light and turn right onto Stratton Road. The lower school will be on the right.)

    From Yonkers Area:

    Cross County Parkway East (towards Connecticut) to Hutchinson River Parkway North. Hutchinson River Parkway to Exit 17. Continue from Points South directions.

    From Points North:

    Hutchinson River Parkway South to Exit 19 Wilmot Road. Right at end of exit ramp to first traffic light. Right at light into the upper school parking lot. (For the lower school, continue to the next light and turn right onto Stratton Road. The lower school will be on the right.)

    I-95 South to North Avenue Exit. Follow exit all the way around to the traffic light. At light, make right onto North Avenue. Continue on North Avenue for about 3 miles. At corner of North Avenue and Mill Road, the things to look for are: brick Greek Orthodox church on your left and a nursery in front of you. At this point, bear right onto Wilmot Road. At traffic light make left and proceed to the third traffic light. Right at light into the upper school parking lot. (For the lower school, continue to the next light and turn right onto Stratton Road. The lower school will be on the right.)